Nassau County Police
Hispanic Society
There is always strength in a unified group - Unidos Progresamos
Become A Member

Those eligible to apply are active or retired Nassau County Police - county or village police officers within Nassau County, Sheriffs Department Officers, or NYS Police Officers who live or work in Nassau County. Additionally civilians working for any of the mentioned Departments may also apply. Auxiliary Police may also join as civilian members.
The Hispanic Society is not exclusive for Hispanics, but inclusive to all those who will uphold our mission.
Meetings are held the last Tuesday of the month, with the exception of July & August. Contact a board member or write to NCPDHispanicSociety@gmail.com for updated time and location of meeting or to be added to our email list or text message blast.
We have a number of social events to strengthen relationships within our membership, peers and our families: Thanksgiving Fraternal Comedy Show Fundraiser, Three Kings Christmas Party & Scholarship Dinner Dance. We also join in the Hispanic Society events of the NYPD, NYCD & Suffolk County as well as support our Nassau County fraternal brethren.
The Society & its success are determined by the role that the members decide to take in it - if we believe that this Society is important we must all give a little of ourselves; together, parts build up the heart, soul & body. It is in this way that we will ensure the future of the Society, to see it continue to thrive. We must realize, Hispanics are not only increasing in number in the communities in which we serve, but in the department as well and there is always more power in a unified group.
For more information, or to join, you can fill out the form under the Contact Us tab and one of the Executive Board members will get back to you as soon as possible.